Why Help

Every child deserves to dream and to have the opportunity to make those dreams a reality. And yet, children with disabilities in Nepal often live in extreme isolation because of the stigma attached to anyone born with physical or mental disabilities. These children suffer from a lack of self-worth, and feelings of depression, guilt, and humiliation. What’s more, they may be subject to discrimination or vulnerable to abuse. Disability is not a choice.

The Rose International Fund for Children (TRIFC) advocates and fights for children in Nepal living with disabilities, along with children disadvantaged by their life situation. Our goal is to bring these children out of the darkness and into the light — to give them the tools to achieve their dreams.

We do this by raising money through individual donations, grants, and hands-on fundraising activities. We then work with our partner organizations in Nepal to provide direct support in the areas of education, healthcare, nutrition and needed environmental and facility improvements.

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